Source code for minos.modules.housing

Module for housing in Minos.
Upgrade of household appliances
Possible future work for moving households and changing household composition (e.g. marrying/births)

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from minos.modules import r_utils
from minos.modules.base_module import Base
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from seaborn import catplot
from datetime import datetime as dt

[docs]class Housing(Base): @property def name(self): return "housing" def __repr__(self): return "Housing()" # In Daedalus pre_setup was done in the run_pipeline file. This way is tidier and more modular in my opinion.
[docs] def setup(self, builder): """ Initialise the module during simulation.setup(). Notes ----- - Load in data from pre_setup - Register any value producers/modifiers for death rate - Add required columns to population data frame - Add listener event to check if people die on each time step. - Update other required items such as randomness stream. Parameter ---------- builder : vivarium.engine.Builder Vivarium's control object. Stores all simulation metadata and allows modules to use it. """ # Load in inputs from pre-setup. # Build vivarium objects for calculating transition probabilities. # Typically this is registering rate/lookup tables. See vivarium docs/other modules for examples. # Assign randomness streams if necessary. Only useful if seeding counterfactuals. self.random = builder.randomness.get_stream(self.generate_random_crn_key()) # Determine which subset of the main population is used in this module. # columns_created is the columns created by this module. # view_columns is the columns from the main population used in this module. essentially what is needed for # transition models and any outputs. view_columns = ["sex", "labour_state", "SF_12", "job_sec", "ethnicity", "age", "housing_quality", "hh_income",] self.population_view = builder.population.get_view(columns=view_columns) # Population initialiser. When new individuals are added to the microsimulation a constructer is called for each # module. Declare what constructer is used. usually on_initialize_simulants method is called. Inidividuals are # created at the start of a model "setup" or after some deterministic (add cohorts) or random (births) event. builder.population.initializes_simulants(self.on_initialize_simulants) # Declare events in the module. At what times do individuals transition states from this module. E.g. when does # individual graduate in an education module. builder.event.register_listener("time_step", self.on_time_step, priority=4)
[docs] def on_time_step(self, event): """Produces new children and updates parent status on time steps. Parameters ---------- event : vivarium.population.PopulationEvent The event time_step that called this function. """ # Construct transition probability distributions. # Draw individuals next states randomly from this distribution. # Adjust other variables according to changes in state. E.g. a birth would increase child counter by one. pop = self.population_view.get(event.index, query="alive=='alive'") self.year = event.time.year housing_prob_df = self.calculate_housing(pop) # TODO: Find out why this was adding 1 to the prediction? housing_prob_df["housing_quality"] = self.random.choice(housing_prob_df.index, list(housing_prob_df.columns), housing_prob_df) + 1 housing_prob_df.index = housing_prob_df.index.astype(int) self.population_view.update(housing_prob_df["housing_quality"])
[docs] def calculate_housing(self, pop): """Calculate housing transition distribution based on provided people/indices. Parameters ---------- pop : pd.DataFrame The population dataframe. Returns ------- """ # load transition model based on year. year = min(self.year, 2018) transition_model = r_utils.load_transitions(f"housing_quality/clm/housing_quality_{year}_{year+1}") # returns probability matrix (3xn) of next ordinal state. prob_df = r_utils.predict_next_timestep_clm(transition_model, pop, 'housing_quality') return prob_df
[docs] def plot(self, pop, config): file_name = config.output_plots_dir + f"housing_barplot_{self.year}.pdf" densities = pd.DataFrame(pop['housing_quality'].value_counts(normalize=True)) densities.columns = ['densities'] densities['housing_quality'] = densities.index f = plt.figure() cat = catplot(data=densities, y='housing_quality', x='densities', kind='bar', orient='h') plt.savefig(file_name) plt.close()