
The Heating module is not present in all experiments. It has been included in the SF-12 and housing experiments, but is not technically required for SF-12 simulation runs.

Heating is a binary variable that represents an individuals ability to adequately heat their home. The variable is taken directly from the survey, from the `hheat <https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/documentation/mainstage/variables/hheat/>`__ variable.

NOTE: Heating is not present in every wave of the survey. This was problematic in the generation of the housing_quality composite variable. For this reason, we decided to forward fill this variable to fill in some values for the missing waves. Justification for this decision is in the section Justification for Forward Fill.

plot of chunk heating_barchart

Fig. 38 plot of chunk heating_barchart

Transition Model

To estimate transitions in heating, we fit a logit model using the glm() function from the stats package in R. We used the binomial family with a logit link function.


\[\begin{split}heating \sim heating\_last + age + sex + ethnicity + region + education\_state + housing\_quality + neighbourhood\_safety\\ + loneliness + nutrition\_quality + ncigs + hh\_income + SF\_12 + financial\_situation + behind\_on\_bills\end{split}\]




## Call:
## glm(formula = formula, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data,
##     weights = weight)
## Deviance Residuals:
##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max
## -1.33703   0.01769   0.02867   0.04594   0.85367
## Coefficients:
##                                               Estimate Std. Error z value
## (Intercept)                                   2.950340   3.704914   0.796
## factor(heating)1                              3.319767   1.458905   2.276
## scale(age)                                   -0.068202   0.319234  -0.214
## factor(sex)Male                               0.096644   0.582296   0.166
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BAN   -0.244995   2.466160  -0.099
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BLA    0.297122   1.786083   0.166
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BLC   -0.228502   2.063753  -0.111
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")CHI   -0.160526   3.444261  -0.047
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")IND   -0.035215   1.568074  -0.022
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")MIX    0.277764   1.877503   0.148
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OAS    1.348962   3.029686   0.445
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OBL   -0.848160   5.935335  -0.143
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OTH    2.894664   4.779247   0.606
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")PAK   -0.556564   1.513136  -0.368
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")WHO   -0.179361   1.179221  -0.152
## factor(region)East of England                 1.317506   1.690274   0.779
## factor(region)London                         -0.814064   1.176274  -0.692
## factor(region)North East                      1.244462   2.184858   0.570
## factor(region)North West                     -0.169440   1.237976  -0.137
## factor(region)Northern Ireland               -0.475106   2.250174  -0.211
## factor(region)Scotland                        0.156604   1.576786   0.099
## factor(region)South East                     -0.185219   1.183122  -0.157
## factor(region)South West                      0.244589   1.406359   0.174
## factor(region)Wales                           0.751346   1.878305   0.400
## factor(region)West Midlands                   0.761370   1.439835   0.529
## factor(region)Yorkshire and The Humber        0.080737   1.326698   0.061
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")0 -1.335485   3.217566  -0.415
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")2 -1.521265   3.199262  -0.476
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")3 -0.892079   3.279710  -0.272
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")5 -1.660019   3.251868  -0.510
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")6 -1.455852   3.206597  -0.454
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")7 -0.714272   3.323053  -0.215
## factor(housing_quality)Low                   -0.358152   1.505364  -0.238
## factor(housing_quality)Medium                -0.543219   0.798922  -0.680
## factor(loneliness)2                           0.001498   0.674986   0.002
## factor(loneliness)3                           0.061320   1.041214   0.059
## scale(nutrition_quality)                      0.021469   0.299282   0.072
## scale(ncigs)                                 -0.016210   0.236582  -0.069
## scale(hh_income)                              0.354331   0.450281   0.787
## scale(SF_12)                                  0.194311   0.306314   0.634
## factor(financial_situation)2                 -0.410978   0.997972  -0.412
## factor(financial_situation)3                 -1.077603   1.028242  -1.048
## factor(financial_situation)4                 -1.816079   1.188545  -1.528
## factor(financial_situation)5                 -1.530868   1.592330  -0.961
## factor(behind_on_bills)2                     -0.837083   0.797210  -1.050
## factor(behind_on_bills)3                     -0.263824   2.678453  -0.098
##                                              Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                    0.4258
## factor(heating)1                               0.0229 *
## scale(age)                                     0.8308
## factor(sex)Male                                0.8682
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BAN     0.9209
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BLA     0.8679
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")BLC     0.9118
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")CHI     0.9628
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")IND     0.9821
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")MIX     0.8824
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OAS     0.6561
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OBL     0.8864
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")OTH     0.5447
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")PAK     0.7130
## relevel(factor(ethnicity), ref = "WBI")WHO     0.8791
## factor(region)East of England                  0.4357
## factor(region)London                           0.4889
## factor(region)North East                       0.5690
## factor(region)North West                       0.8911
## factor(region)Northern Ireland                 0.8328
## factor(region)Scotland                         0.9209
## factor(region)South East                       0.8756
## factor(region)South West                       0.8619
## factor(region)Wales                            0.6891
## factor(region)West Midlands                    0.5970
## factor(region)Yorkshire and The Humber         0.9515
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")0   0.6781
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")2   0.6344
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")3   0.7856
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")5   0.6097
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")6   0.6498
## relevel(factor(education_state), ref = "1")7   0.8298
## factor(housing_quality)Low                     0.8119
## factor(housing_quality)Medium                  0.4965
## factor(loneliness)2                            0.9982
## factor(loneliness)3                            0.9530
## scale(nutrition_quality)                       0.9428
## scale(ncigs)                                   0.9454
## scale(hh_income)                               0.4313
## scale(SF_12)                                   0.5259
## factor(financial_situation)2                   0.6805
## factor(financial_situation)3                   0.2946
## factor(financial_situation)4                   0.1265
## factor(financial_situation)5                   0.3364
## factor(behind_on_bills)2                       0.2937
## factor(behind_on_bills)3                       0.9215
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 166.66  on 9324  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 106.76  on 9279  degrees of freedom
##   (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 94.42
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8


handover_ordinal(raw.dat, base.dat, v)
plot of chunk heating_validation

Fig. 39 plot of chunk heating_validation

pivoted <- combine_and_pivot_long(df1 = cv,
                                   df1.name = 'simulated',
                                   df2 = raw,
                                   df2.name = 'raw',
                                   var = 'heating')

cv_ordinal_plots(pivoted.df = pivoted,
                 var = 'heating',
                 save = FALSE)
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'time', 'scenario'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
plot of chunk heating_cv

Fig. 40 plot of chunk heating_cv

Justification for Forward Fill

Adequate heating in the household is a key component of the housing_quality proxy variable. It is one of the core variables of housing_quality, and the one that is most closely associated with conditions of poor housing quality such as excessive damp and mould. However, unfortunately the hheat variable in Understanding Society (the source of the heating variable) is not present in every wave. This is problematic for the generation of the housing_quality proxy variable, so here I will provide some justification that this is not a terrible idea. The table below shows which waves hheat is present in Understanding Society.

Wave | Present? |
1 | TRUE |
2 | TRUE |
3 | FALSE |
4 | TRUE |
5 | FALSE |
6 | TRUE |
7 | FALSE |
8 | TRUE |
9 | TRUE |
10 | TRUE |
11 | TRUE |
12 | TRUE |
13 | FALSE |
14 | TRUE |

First we will look at how static the heating variable is over time. We are looking at the proportion of the sample at each wave that shows a change in hheat.

year_list <- c(2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022)
transition_summary <- get_transition_rate(v, year_list)

ggplot(transition_summary, aes(x = time, y = transition_rate)) +
  geom_col() +
  labs(title = "Transition rate of hheat in survey") +
  xlab('Year') +
  ylab('Transition Rate (%)')
plot of chunk ffill_justification

Fig. 41 plot of chunk ffill_justification


Random Forest Ordinal models from the ranger package cannot provide a summary like some other models can, so instead we will look at plots of observed vs predicted values as well as the importance of each variable in the resulting model.

plot of chunk heating_output

Fig. 42 plot of chunk heating_output

cumulative_link_plot(obs, preds)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
plot of chunk heating_performance

Fig. 43 plot of chunk heating_performance
