Housing Quality


Housing Quality.


What methods are used? Justification due to output data type. explanation of model output.

plot of chunk housing_barchart

Fig. 4 plot of chunk housing_barchart


What variables are included? Why is this output chosen. What explanatory variables are used and why are they chosen


What are the results. Coefficients tables. diagnostic plots. measures of goodness of fit.

plot of chunk housing_output

Fig. 5 plot of chunk housing_output

##                           Length Class         Mode
## predictions               181194 -none-        numeric
## num.trees                      1 -none-        numeric
## num.independent.variables      1 -none-        numeric
## mtry                           1 -none-        numeric
## min.node.size                  1 -none-        numeric
## prediction.error               1 -none-        numeric
## forest                        11 ranger.forest list
## splitrule                      1 -none-        character
## treetype                       1 -none-        character
## call                           6 -none-        call
## importance.mode                1 -none-        character
## num.samples                    1 -none-        numeric
## replace                        1 -none-        logical
## dependent.variable.name        1 -none-        character
## max.depth                      1 -none-        numeric
