Neighbourhood quality is an indicator of well-being suggested by the SIPHER-7 XXXX ref and others?.
Neighbourhood data are presented as a likert scale from 1-6 indicating the number of harmful activities that happen in a persons neighbourhood for individual health. These include robberies and vandalism with the full encoding available in the data tables.
What variables are included? Why is this output chosen. What explanatory variables are used and why are they chosen
What are the results. Coefficients tables. diagnostic plots. measures of goodness of fit.
## Length Class Mode
## predictions 100587 -none- numeric
## num.trees 1 -none- numeric
## num.independent.variables 1 -none- numeric
## mtry 1 -none- numeric
## min.node.size 1 -none- numeric
## prediction.error 1 -none- numeric
## forest 11 ranger.forest list
## splitrule 1 -none- character
## treetype 1 -none- character
## call 6 -none- call
## importance.mode 1 -none- character
## num.samples 1 -none- numeric
## replace 1 -none- logical
## 1 -none- character
## max.depth 1 -none- numeric