
Test text for validation section.

A test reference [Nel87].

single model diagnostic plots - Each module has plots of outcome variable. If we wanted to look at the distribution of labour state over time using a bar chart for a single model we can. useful to check transition model works as intended limiting certain issues such as regression to the mean.

multiple model lineplots - multiple minos model runs can also be aggregated together. Take the mean output SF12 for every model run to get a population of 100 means. Plot these mea ns over time using confidence intervals to get an overall view of the population average mental well-being. Can cut this by certain subsets of the population to get a view of more vulnerable strata of a population such as the retired or unemployed

multiple model maps - MINOS outputs can also be merged with spatially representative individual data for the UK by super output areas (LSOAs). Aggregating mean SF12 by LSOA allows for a spatial view of change in SF12 and more targeted policy interventions.


Edward Nelson. Radically Elementary Probability Theory. Princeton University Press, 1987.